
Last modified by superadmin on 2019/11/08 17:52

Rights Help

Help on Rights Editor usage.

Rights editor help


This field should contain the wikiname of each user you want to apply the rights to. For example XWiki.JohnDoe. XWiki.XWikiGuest should be used for unidentified users.


This field should contain the wikinames of groups you want to apply the rights to. XWiki.XWikiAllGroup represents the group of all logged-in users with an account on your Wiki. xwiki:XWiki.XWikiAllGroup represents the group of all logged-in users using a global account.

Access levels

This field should contain a list of access levels that you want to apply to the users and groups specified. Available access levels are: admin, programming, register, edit, view and comment. To protect your wiki in view and edit mode use "view, edit". To protect adding comments use "comment".


This field should contain Allow to specify that this is an allow right, and Deny to specify a deny right. An allow right means: "this wiki, space or page is *only* visible or editable to the users or groups specified".

Created by superadmin on 2019/11/08 17:53